
Our messages are grounded and centered on the Bible. We believe the Bible is God’s Word given to us for teaching, instructing, and revealing how to develop a relationship with God. We strive to present the truth of the Bible in a clear, accurate and engaging way that is both practical and relevant for our lives today. The goal of our messages is not simply to inform, but to see lives transformed by the life changing truth contained in the Bible.


We believe and teach that worship is a lifestyle. This means, as believers and followers of Jesus, we’re called to praise Him in every area of our lives. In our relationships, work place, at home with our families, and with how we act when no one else is watching. We sing joyfully and loudly here at The Call, and we do this in celebration of what Jesus did for us on the cross. We have been saved, forgiven, and redeemed through the pure love of Jesus and praising Him is the least we can do. 


We do ask for an offering every Sunday, but that’s for those who are followers of Jesus, and for those who call The Call Church their home. If you’re just visiting with us, please don’t feel obligated to give anything. We’re just happy to have you.

What is it?

Communion is the taking of bread and wine, or in our case, bread and juice, as an act of worship and remembrance of Jesus and what He did for us on the cross.

Jesus is foreshadowing His crucifixion in Luke 22:19-20. He’s explaining to His disciples that when we take part in communion, the two elements, bread and wine, represent His body and His blood, which have been poured out for us. All so that we can experience His love.

Why do we do it?

We do this for three main reasons. As an act of worship, to remember what Jesus did for us on the cross, and because Jesus says in Luke 22:19, “Do this in remembrance of me.” Although we usually partake in this together as a church at the beginning of each month, every Sunday service at The Call Church is done with great appreciation and praise of what Jesus did for us.  

Who is it for?

Communion is for believers and followers of Jesus, and for those who call The Call Church their home. If you’re visiting with us, or don’t consider yourself a follower of Jesus just yet, please don’t feel obligated to take part in this.